
Management Consulting

International Green Bay offers objective investment consulting services to assist clients in the development and deployment of prudent investment processes related to their assets.

Our mission is to advise on how protect and grow the wealth of our clients. We believe in a stable, sustainable investment philosophy that aims to help our clients grow wealth by preserving capital, and by taking calculated risks to take advantage of opportunities we identify. Our research is geared toward creating portfolios that will outperform the market over the course of a full economic cycle while limiting volatility during downturns.

Our flexible and comprehensive investment platform provides you access to a variety of investment solutions, both proprietary and nonproprietary, across a number of domestic and global asset classes. A hallmark of our investment management services is our ability to truly customize not only your investment plan but also the individual strategies within your plan.

Financial Advisory Consulting

Investments are only a small part of your financial well-being. We offer distinct levels of service, designed to help you meet your unique goals. Our approach will take you through each step of the Financial Planning process so that you can have a holistic view of your financial picture. At times, we will also bring in resources from our network of business professionals. If your situation calls for specialized services, we will collaborate with others who share our values and have an in-depth knowledge of law, accounting, real estate, and insurance.